Student Support Program
Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario provides a range of services that help support your child at school. Although we tailor our services to your child’s specific needs, there is a benefit for every parent with a child diagnosed with epilepsy to participate in the Student Support Program. The program is designed to teach others about seizures and to keep your child safe, active and supported at school.

Teacher In-Service
We will teach school staff about epilepsy, seizure first aid, medication side effects, and learning strategies for children with epilepsy.
School Safety Plans
We will help develop an individualized safety plan to address your child’s seizure-related safety concerns and work with the school to ensure every child with epilepsy is accommodated as needed. We will meet with teachers and before and after school care teams.
Classroom Presentation
We can teach your child’s classmates about epilepsy and help make the classroom a more welcoming environment. We have variations of our Grade 5 Thinking About Epilepsy program (see below) to educate children from junior kindergarten through high school.
Thinking About Epilepsy
Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario developed Thinking About Epilepsy to teach students about epilepsy, seizure first aid, and the human body. This engaging, interactive program addresses curriculum expectations for Grade 5 Science classes in Ontario set out by the Public and Catholic Boards of Education. We have adapted versions to introduce this material to students of any age.
Thinking About Epilepsy dispels myths about seizure disorders and makes school a more accepting and comfortable place for those affected by epilepsy. Teaching young people seizure first aid lets students with epilepsy feel safe, knowing that their peers know what to do when someone has a seizure.
Referrals and Expertise
Many children diagnosed with epilepsy will have no barriers with learning. Other children will experience learning and behavioral challenges for a variety of reasons.*
Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario will work with you and your school team to develop strategies to help your child succeed. Our team is available to:
- Help you move through the special education process.
- Attend team meetings at school for support or to offer expertise about seizures, seizure first aid, and accommodations.
* For more information about this topic, see our Learning Challenges and Epilepsy resource sheet.